Making, Doing and Mending

Blog for Nicky Adkins, at Nicky Adkins Handmade

Protest placards

With Donald Trump’s planned visit to the UK just ahead, people across the country are preparing to take to the streets in protest of his views, intentions, politics and pretty much everything he stands for. Though I’m not able to go to the march myself (crowds + hot weather + noise = recipe for an anxiety attack) my voice will be there in the form of placards sold at cost to Twitter friends with the fortitude to stomp the ground in London and Edinburgh. 



Saying what you mean doesn’t mean it can’t be pretty.



Along with much of the world I was horrified to see the footage of parents and children being separated at borders and the children shipped off to be kept in cages. The Nazism echoes are so strong that it’s genuinely frightening. I didn’t ever think that I’d be making anti-fascism signs for real in my lifetime.  




Says it all really.  


I had to do a Hamilton one! And I think it’s true. One day the future equivalent of Bill Bryson will write a pop history book about this period, and when I hear awful things on the news, or see our sycophantic Prime Minister holding hands with that man, I try to imagine it being narrated by an incredulous Bryson.  



Words of truth.  

Edit - May did the hand holding again and I genuinely threw up a little bit in my mouth. But I delighted to read of the Royal shade thrown by the Queen in her choice of brooches for the visit. Nicely done, your Maj.  

Nicky Adkins